2nd Fridays is a monthly event in the artists district in Pilsen, Chicago. The artists open their studio and gallery doors for prospective patrons to view their works. Free wine and food abounds everywhere and the streets are filled with folks going from door to door to see some cool stuff and enjoy the great atmosphere.
Every month a new works and studios join the event. On average about 35 studios out of the hundreds located in a 3 block radius are open. It’s a really great thing to see. People crossing the streets with glasses of wine from one gallery to another laughing and discussing the pieces and artists.
Conversation is never dull at these events and there is plenty of eye candy there, in terms of artwork, as well as people. This was Petra’s first time checking it out. I’d been going on and off for the last 2 years and was eager to take her to it.
The entire event, food and wine, is completely free. And if that doesn’t convince you, some of the artists studios are just fantastic to walk around in.
Awesome photos! wouldn’t you love to live in that studio?
I loved that big, fine, spun-gold string thingy. Great opportunity for pictures .