Making A Landscape Photo
Some people make Christmas lists for their family. It can be a great idea. It saves them the trouble of worrying about what to get you,…
Autumn in America’s Northern Midwest
As Autumn slowly fades away and winter peeks it’s frosty head, 2010 is coming to a close. Once again it’s time for America’s holiday of celebrating our…
HDSLR Chicago Meet Up with Philip Bloom
A few days before the event, I found out about a big HDSLR meet up happening at Navy Pier with Philip Bloom (Film maker, director and arguably…
Leelanau Peninsula
PatioPalooza 2010
Ever since Petra and I moved into our wonderful apartment on Lake Michigan, I wanted to have a party on the patio there. My wealth of talented…
A Weekend With Family
Petra and I took a very quick trip to visit the family in Michigan, watch my niece in her ballet dance recital, attend my sister’s 40 birthday…
Out Is How We Pass – Music Video
For over a year now, I’ve been working on creating a new group; KATASTROFIST. My bandmates and I wrote, recorded and mixed the debut album all on…
Your Villain My Hero Music Video
Making music videos puts together 2 out of 3 of my favorite things to do. Take pictures and experience music (my first, of course being, spending time with my lovely wife).
Hipstamatic: A Must Have iPhone App for Photophiles
Over the past 2 years my interest in photography has grown. Some of you might have noticed. I decided it was time for a new blog design that would put more emphasis on imagery. Especially since I’m such a visual person. Lately I’ve been really interested in old photos.