Back Alley, originally uploaded by RC PoP Art.
Currently, I’ve been experimenting a great deal with my tiny point and shoot Canon A710 that I purchased a few years ago. Along with an adaptor to hold a small fisheye lens, photoshop and an application called Topaz Adjust to try and get the best images possible within the great limitations of such an inexpensive, limited use camera, I’ve been fairly satisfied with some of the results I’ve gotten.
It has also taught me a great deal in terms of the connection between Speed and Aperture vs. light, as there is a setting for “manual” use that I almost exclusively use now. My mother has also assisted in filling in some questions I’ve had recently, as she has been taking semi-professional photographs most of her adult life with film cameras.
I’m looking forward to the day when I can purchase a “full frame” prosumer (professional / consumer) Camera that will allow me to change lenses and shoot much better in low light (a la Canon 5D Mark II).
Since the day I bought my replacement camera (the last point and shoot camera I had was used so much, it literally disintegrated) my craving for clarity and color has increased exponentially. Unfortunately, my income has not.
Stay tuned to find out if I end up selling my body for Canon and attempt to be a drug mule to acquire top lenses, as I don’t see my interest in this field waning anytime soon.