So now that the album is finished, we need to submit it to iTunes and through Tunecore. This includes the album artwork. I put together 5 distinctly different covers which I thought could all work with the music. Some I like better than others, but the idea is to pick the one that is eye catching, unique, and most importantly that it reflects the type of band and music contained on it. The artwork will be integral in the creation of the upcoming website, so picking the album cover is actually fairly important in the creation of this bands marketing strategy. Let me know which one you like and what your reasons are. Thanks!
Okay, so with all the votes tabulated and considerations considered. A decision has been made. The top left image will be used for our single Out Is How We Pass and the album cover will be the image below. Thank you everyone for participating and giving us your opinion. It definitely affected the outcome. We hope you will all download the new single when it’s available in a few weeks and the debut album in a month or so

Teria said that she likes the first one, with the red and blue. “Because it’s funky”. I described the music as funky, and a little poppy, rock and roll. I like that one, as well as the nuclear fist. They are both ones that look intriguing to me. the others don’t make me wonder what the album sounds like.
I love the first one because of the cool graphic design and intriquing images, but the fist-shaped mushroom cloud has great colors and is a cool eye-catching image.
I like the fist explosion on the burnt paper. Seems to reflect you guys more. Not that I’m calling you a fist explosion or anything.
I think No4 its classic old school it makes me want to know what’s inside and on the back.
I hate the one with the snow the least. I don’t really have a reason, that was just my immediate reaction. i guess maybe cause there’s something kinda 80’s about it.
I appreciate the top left, it’s befitting of your personal style & is unique in that you’ll be able to pull stickers/pins/etc from it.
The others each seem to fit other bands. Middle: the Fray. Bottom left: Everclear. Bottom Right: Nickleback (based on font).
All very good points, everyone.
I like the fifth (or last) look. That lock-up for the title is solid gold.
I was drawn to number 2 initially. I don’t know why really. I wish I wasn’t because Christy said it’s kind of 80’s. That makes me feel old which is odd since I am only 24.
My second choice is number 1.It is kind of funky.Shabby but stylish. But mainly – I want to see a picture of the monsignor.
I think #3 is the best conceptually
Is the burnt maniacal face in the background intentional?
I think the first one represents the style of music very well. I like it too.
Though there’s something about it that annoys me but maybe that is a good thing.
I like the 4th one but do not like the font/treatment.
I like the font on the “moon rock” gray image.
Wonder what this one would look like with different font and also if the city was in graytone and the fist in sepia or as is?
I vote for the nuclear fist one.
nuclear fist is my favorite. hate the font on the snow one. the fist/city would be cooler if the fist was hitting a building that was in the process of being blown up. the first one will look dated as soon as people get sick of anime.
I’m drawn to the drawing styles on the astro-boy/graffiti one, but is that a copyright nono? Could use a bigger graffiti-type fist, and maybe an anime version of each of you?
I like the imagery on the first one best but it does not seem to relate in any way to your band name. I think the realistic photo of the fist about to punch the buildings probably accomplishes this best. I assume you are making a tongue-in-cheek big brother reference?
Actually it directly relates to the band name, but I was pretty sure a lot of people wouldn’t notice that. So I wanted to see if it still held up against the others just visually.
The first one caught my eye. Very unique and original. I don’t know how it relates to the music, but it just looks really cool!
I like the top three. The bottom two are still cool but they just don’t seem to fit with the music, I’m not sure why. I wish on the top left one you could read the lettering a little better, make it black not gray. If i had to chose one I would probably chose the nuclear fist.
ok here are my thoughts..
They all are nice but i would go with
the first one if the title track is going to be cartoon. Very fitting of the song and of the band as a whole.
The third one if your title track is going to be we all fall down…
what I think would look awesome would be an image of total destruction with a fist almost rising from the asses… just a thought since the band is rising from the ashes of the ghettobilles…
ok that was supposed to a fist rising from the ashes..
oh and the top center would be good for the Candy Apple Rat track… but then you should incorporate fire too…. good luck having to decide. Cant wait to hear what new songs you have done.
New Album Title:
“Rising from the Asses”
The Mushroom cloud/fist one for sure. It immediately grabbed my eye and in my opinion, is just the coolest logo out of them. All the other ones look like they could be any bands album cover but that one screams “WE ARE KATASTROFIST!!!”
I like astro-boy and ice-floe the best. Partially by default, but I genuinely like both of them a lot. The others have either the too-literal fist or the circa-2006 vine-y embellishments working against them. The carpet one is pretty fucking awesome though.
One of the two with the fists! I think the debut album has to have the “Katastrofist fist” on it somewhere!!!!
For me it’s got to be the nuclear fist/burnt paper image. It just says so much (in my opinion), it’s like the fist is a marker, marking the point where Katastrofist have landed and taken out any other band within reach. And just like a real nuclear explosion, the after shocks and damage of thus explosion will be felt for a long time to come. Other bands beware!!
1 & 2 are too gray for my particular taste. I’d go for 3, 4 or 5 – can’t choose a definite favourite tho (piscean trait = indecisive)
3 is definitely eyecatching but in a good way.
4 is a good picture but not 100% keen on the font.
5 is also a good picture but not keen on font.
hope all well.
take care.
Refined thought: it’s GOTTA be ice-floe or the carpet/lower-right one. GOTTA be.
Ok I have been showing the pics to people I work with along with playing your music… everyone seems to like the bottom left… one interesting comment I thought Id pass along was that black people my associate the atomic fist with the black panthers and that movement…. odd but that was her first though and yes shes black… I presonally have decided I really like the pic matt has as his profile pic.. the flames and smoke are a really nice touch on that one…
Hi are you?my name is johnny and i meet your parents in the restaurant were i work..i was talking with they and they told me you have a rock band…your parents are funny and a greath persons..your dad told me he has diabetes…my father and my mother has diabetes too…so find me in facebook like alejandro evans rokks…and when your parents back to cozumel i hope you too…bye good luck