I am constantly astonished at graphic and web designers who have subpar websites and business cards. It’s what you DO, for christsakes! It’s supposed to be your specialty! If you half ass your own work, then why would someone expect you to do more for them?
Take Business cards, for example:
Business cards say a lot about a person. They give your prospective client or customer an idea of how much you pay attention to detail. How serious you are about your business, how creative you are, how well you plan and execute ideas. Here are just a few of some of the best business cards out there right now. These images were compiled from Flickr’s Business Cards Set. The next time you need to print out more business cards, consider what sort of message you’re sending out by handing a piece of yourself to someone in the form of a handheld, wallet sized message.
Kevin Mitnick can pick a lock with his business card, what can you do with yours besides pick food out of your teeth?

This metallic business card folds into a designer working away at his desk. Sam Buxton may not be one for a flashy website, but he sure knows how to make a business card.

If you’ve got a business card that you think is noteworthy, send me a pic. I’ll add it to another 2nd part coming soon!
Remember. If you’re a graphic or web designer or printer and even your own logo, website, or business card doesn’t really stand out, then neither will you compared to the countless other companies that are competing for the clients attention. It’s practically bad advertising for yourself. You might be better off NOT having a business card or website, or better yet start going to beauty school.
This is AWESOME! I never see design like that before! Great work!
I want to thank you for such wonderful insight to beautiful business card design. You have collected some of the WORLDS BEST BUSINESS CARDS!
Keep up the good work!