My Mother-in-Law from the Czech Republic came to stay with us for 2 weeks on a whirlwind tour of some of the spectacular places near where we live. We did a lot of driving, camping, hiking, drinking, and relaxing. I was quite proud of her. She didn’t complain once and was a real trooper. If we could only get Delta Airlines to cooperate, it would have been a perfect trip.
Road Trip with Mom – The Great Southwest
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Thank you for sharing. How wonderful that you all did this together. Am in your old stomping grounds. Chicago. And loving it
That was awesome!! Such memories, especially for your mom and the wild west!
Thanks, Guys! It was really a whirlwind of adventure. Proving once again that you’re never too old for sleeping on the ground, adventure and road trips! There were 2 nights camping where Bozena had to endure almost below freezing tempuratures in her tent, but she came out smiling in the morning. Hot tea and coffee can not be underestimated in it’s happiness factor after a night of near freezing.
Absolutely stunning! And so lovely to see you all xxx