I’ve recently come across an art movement that has been gaining popularity over the past 10 years or so somewhat under the radar.
In a world filled with throw away technology and iPhones that are almost obsolete before they’re sold, these pieces of art represent a time when objects had a sense of permanence and timeless value.
He acquires most of his parts online through ebay and Amazon and spends his days hand crafting each antique typewriter key, decorative brass edging and stained wood on the computer keyboards he sells. Another Steampunk tinkerer is Hieronymous Isambard “Jake” von Slatt who modifies anything from scooters to flat screen monitors.
Steampunk is a fascinating new development in the embracing and rejection of new technology. It will be interesting to see if it will influence style and fashion of companies like Apple or Dell.
I seen this stuff in Bizarre magazine a few months back and was blown away. It’s really sweet.
I am not a big fan of this particular form of art, but in general I do support anything new in art, like pop art movement was and still is.