There is a saying you may have heard or remember: “You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friends nose”. In my case, that’s not necessarily true. It’s also been pointed out throughout time, that you don’t get to choose your family, which is a sad truth to life, but perhaps better for us in the end.
Our friends Bradley Mott and Kristal Jeffries have gotten engaged after years of happily being boyfriend and girlfriend. One of my oldest friends (as in I’ve known him for a very long time, not that he eats melba toast and watches Matlock. That prestige would be left for my friend John Maloney) is Jess Watterson. He organized and offered to throw an engagement party for Bradley and Kristal and invited all the friends that would be around for the Thanksgiving holiday.
It’s always seemed so strange to me how we pick our friends, or rather how we DON’T. Most of us (minus, perhaps, John Wayne Gacy) just seemed to have them around us. They collect in your life through good times and bad (alot like cat hair in a crazy person’s apartment). They offer nothing more than they are hoping for; acceptance, entertainment, and once in while, a chance to see you make a complete ass out of yourself.
In our circle of friends, the later always takes precedence. When we are together, it’s the “US” show. We are the writers, the actors, and ultimately, the only audience that gives a damn.
The friends I have today, just suddenly were there. Without even realizing the moment that I called them “friend”, they were a part of my life; and just like that, we are traveling through our years together. Laughing, crying, struggling and celebrating together. It is a shared experience and a heartwarming one. Especially when you have friends like I do, for as long as I have, with more stories together than time to tell them.
We are the family that you get to choose.
Click HERE to see photos.
that just made me a little emotional. (just a little…)
wow. that was extremely thoughtful and well said.
Thank you, Guys.
I’m not a complete dumb ass dick head.
Just mostly.
Yes… beautifully put Conaway! I shed a tear, and I pooped a little too.
Aw, that was so nice. I couldn’t agree with you more.