The best days are always the unplanned ones that start out just like any other with no expectations of anything to look forward to or exciting to happen. Our flatmate Dina and her mother, who was visiting for the weekend decided to go down to the beach to enjoy the absolutely perfect weather we had on this day. Along with them went Dina’s friend Bonnie, who midday had to leave for some work that needed to be done at home.

Shortly after that our friends Neil and Mary Smith showed up on their bicycles with a cooler attached carrying ice and all the fixings necessary for making pina coladas. A wonderful time was had by all as we slurped our icy treats in the summer heat, played catch with a football and watched in hysterics as some jackass stood posed for someone to notice how hot he was for 30 solid minutes while flexing his muscles like some sort of bird of paradise mating dance on steroids. After we had our fill of the sun and the evening began to cool down we picked up some Coronas and headed back to our place, where Petra and I cooked for everyone. Salmon, couscous, and a feta, walnut- cherry salad.
The evening came to a close with some soft jazz music in the background and the humming of the cities air conditioners.
Today it was a good day…didn’t even have to use my A-K.
damn. that was a good day. and that food totally kicked ass. if i ever make the big bucks i’m totally hiring you on as my chef!
Thanks for including me in such coolness….the beach, the pina coladas and coronnas, the “blew me away” dinner, fine fine music, great Republican bashing, and of course, all of you. Such humor and intelligence and loving good natures……
Thanks! I was pretty happy with it myself. We definitely need more outdoor leisure days like that before winter comes in and crashes the party.
That was a great day, did not want it to end!!!!